Elementary school, all the posts:
"Mother Dear," by Ercole Bonjean
Mr Bonjean interviews his students: Is writing a pleasure or a sacrifice?
Composition: "Are audiovisual devices (TV, computer and internet, DVD player, Play Station, games…) really an advantage of our times? Express your opinion".
How do we study?
Essay: Is homework really necessary?
Essay: Cars are very useful means of transport but…
Outlines for narrative, essay-style or descriptive texts.
A crocodile’s tears
Learning how to write a text appropriate to the addressee
A nursery rhyme… in fancy dress
As happy as can be
Classic fables: the ugly duckling
Individual description - In a field at dawn
Blue lights
Jesus or Barabbas
The Comet
It’s Christmas
A Colourful Nursery Rhyme
Fantastical narrative: Logos
In memory of the dead: a poem for November 2nd.
Close reading and textual interpretation – The End of a Friendship
Seasonal topics: Mr Winter, a poem by Ercole Bonjean
"A chocolate school" by Ercole Bonjean
A not-so-clever fox by Ercole Bonjean
One step away from the coast by Ercole Bonjean
November 2nd by Ercole Bonjean
Spring poetry: “Brilla nell’aria” by Giacomo Leopardi
Iter didattico interdisciplinare: italiano, inglese. "New year" by Gianni Rodari
Translation by Chiara Amoretti